MembershipAnnual Meeting NoticeWith an easing of the restrictions, we have the capability of holding a BCFMA election meeting. Jim, K2ZO, has been gracious enough to offer to have the meeting again at the Township of Washington Senior Center (we have had it there before). The meeting is scheduled for July 24, with a start time of 7:30pm. We have not had an election since before the pandemic, but thankfully Paul W2IP has been maintaining the repeaters well. The meeting will be a relatively short one, with pre-meeting coffee from 7pm until meeting time. If you would like to be considered for a board position please contact KO2OK. Since the BCFMA only meets once a year, it is important that everyone attends. It is the members that run the BCFMA and this is your chance to speak out about any matter you wish. The repeater system is open for any licensed amateur radio operator to use. However, since the equipment is maintained using membership dues, we ask frequent users to please consider and join the BCFMA. We collect dues and donations, and those funds are only used for keeping the repeater system operational. We receive no matching funds or subsidies from any county or town. Membership Form (pdf)
The BCFMA holds a single annual membership meeting, during which
time we solicit for new and renewing members, collect dues, vote for
new officers and review past year and consider next year plans.
Anyone is free to attend the meeting, and support for the technical
or other services are always welcomed. Membership support has
allowed BCFMA to maintain the repeaters for 45 years, and we look
forward to many more years. We hope you will join us in being a part
of this great group. |