BCFMA - Bergen County FM Association

Callsign History
Technical Support
Exec Committee
Friends - SKs


In addition to general chats open to any licensed amateurs, the repeaters are host to various communication nets of local radio clubs and also local emergency community organizations.

Nets held on the repeaters include:

BCFMA DMR (digital voice) Net
Thursdays 7:30pm, on 444.100
Open to all licensed amateurs with DMR capability.

BARA 2m Net
Wednesdays 9pm, on 146.79
mainly for BARA members but open to all licensed amateurs for check-in.

BARA 440 Net
Thursdays 8:30pm, on 444.100
mainly for BARA members but open to all licensed amateurs to check in.

BC-R.A.C.E.S. Net
2nd/4th Wednesdays 7:45pm, on 146.79
closed net for BC-R.A.C.E.S. members.

The BCFMA is open to requests for other nets by local amateur radio clubs, licensed amateurs and local emergency amateur radio related activities.

The BCFMA DMR Net requires radios that are capable of the Digital Mode Radio mode of operation, following necessary profiles to activate the repeater. Please contact Paul W2IP or Marco KC2ZMA for more information on the necessary DMR profile information.