BCFMA - Bergen County FM Association

Callsign History
Technical Support
Exec Committee
Friends - SKs


The BCFMA supports services to the community with communication support (whether repeater service alone or members-supported service) for activities such as Walk-A-Thons, Bike Races, RACES-OEM drills and when called upon for Emergency Communications. Over 25% of our current members are active in RACES. Even more are members of OEM within their towns.

When not called out for these community related activities, the repeaters are available for casual communication among licensed amateurs whether members or non-members. In addition, the BCFMA supports local area radio clubs by allowing scheduled communication nets (upon prior approval) for various purposes to use our repeaters. Emergency Communications are where the club shines, as evidenced by the communication service and member support provided during events such as hurricane Floyd when cellular and phone service was not working. Our group manned the Red Cross operations center for many days, passing pertinent information as requested by rescue personnel. We simply became available as needed, to help and communicate. There have been numerous other events since Floyd in 1999 showing the support BCFMA and members have supported the local community.